Skokie Valley Kennel Club
December 7th, 2013
"Abby" - Jayce's Abigail Chases the Dream - Winners Bitch, MAJOR WIN!
Wow! Less than a week since Greta finished, her sister Abby earns another 4-point Major win in Chicago! These girls are on a roll!
We are thrilled for Abby and owner Bonnie Barden on their win, closing out the year with a bang!

Sturgis Kennel Club Results
August 3, 2013
"Greta" - Jayce's Mein Liebling Greta - Winners, MAJOR WIN!
"CC" - Palimar's Cunning Cazadora - Reserve
August 3, 2013
"CC" - Palimar's Cunning Cazadora - Winners, MAJOR WIN!
"Greta" - Jayce's Mein Liebling Greta - Reserve
Holland Kennel Club and Battle Creek Kennel Club Results
July 12, 2013
"Greta" - Jayce's Mein Liebling Greta - Winners, Best of Breed, MAJOR WIN!
July 13, 2013
"CC" - Palimar's Cunning Cazadora - Winners, 2 pts
Southern Michigan Weimaraner Club SPECIALTY Results
July 5, 2013
"Greta" - Jayce's Mein Liebling Greta - Reserve Winners!
Midland Kennel Club and Mount Pleasant Kennel Club Results
June 6, 2013
"Paris" - Jayce's Life of the Party - Winners, MAJOR WIN!
"Zeva" - Jayce's Shotgun Girl - Reserve, Puppy Group 3!
June 7, 2013
"Paris" - Jayce's Life of the Party - Winners, MAJOR WIN! Bred By Exhibitor Group 3!
June 8, 2013
"CC" - Palimar's Cunning Cazadora - Winners, Best of Winners AND Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed (OVER Ranked Specials!), MAJOR WIN!
Progressive Dog Club of Wayne County Results
Sunday, April 28, 2013
"Jewel" - Jayce's Simply Irresistible - Winners and Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, MAJOR WIN!
Irish Setter Club of Michigan Field Trial
May 4-5, 2013
"Bri" - Palimar N Jax's Hot Stuff - 1st Place All Breed Open Derby!

Southern Michigan Weimaraner Club Field Trial
April 12-14, 2013
"Bri" - Palimar N Jax's Hot Stuff - 1st Place All Breed Open Derby!
"Penny" - Palimar N Jax's Big Bang - 4th Place All Breed Open Derby!
"Zeva" - Jayce's Shotgun Girl - 4th Place All Breed Open Puppy!

Saginaw Valley Kennel Club Results
Saturday, April 6, 2013
"Greta" - Jayce's Mein Liebling Greta - Best of Winners, 2pts!
"Paris" - Jayce's Life of the Party - Reserve Winners
Sunday, April 7, 2013
"Greta" - Jayce's Mein Liebling Greta - Winners, 2pts!
YAY Greta!!

New UKC Champion!
"Zeva" - CH Jayce's Shotgun Girl
o/h by Erika Stroman

WCA Western Classic Results!
"Bri" - Palimar n Jax's Hot Stuff
2nd Place - Open Puppy Classic Stake!
MAPBTC Show - 2/23-24/2013
"Paris" - Jayce's Life of the Party
Sat. Show #1: 1st place, Winners, Best of Winners, Best of Breed and GROUP 3!! 35 Championship points and 5 Breed points!
Congrats to Pam and Paris!
"Zeva" - Jayce's Shotgun Girl
Sat. Show #2: 1st place and Winners!! 25 Championship Points!
Sun. Show #1: 1st place, Winners, Best of Winners and Best of Breed!! 35 Championship Points and 5 Breed points!
Sun. Show #2: 1st place and Winners!! 25 Championship Points!
Congrats to Erika and Zeva!
"Abby" - Jayce's Abigail Chases the Dream
Sat. Show #1: 1st Place and Reserve Winners! 10 Championship Points!
Sat. Show #2: 1st Place and Reserve Winners! 10 Championship Points!
Sun. Show #2: 1st Place and Reserve Winners! 10 Championship Points!
Congrats to Bonnie and Abby!
Field Trial Results
"Bri" - Palimar n Jax's Hot Stuff
2nd Place - Open Puppy - Las Vegas Bird Dog Club
First Show Success!
The Girls from our Robby x Libby litter made their debut at the Novi Shows in January, 2013
All girls showed well for their first time!
"Zeva" - Jayce's Shotgun Girl - was expertly handled by her owner Erika, earning Reserve Winners to the major on Sunday!
Huge congrats to everyone - we look forward to much more success in 2013!
BISS/BISP/3xRBIMBS/UKC GRCH/Int. CH/Am. GCH/UCD/HIT Jayce's & KK's No Inhibitions, MH, SDX, RD, CD, TAN, VX2, CGC, TDI
October 27, 2012
Liberty earned her 6th and final leg for her Master Hunter title at the Weimaraner Club of Greater Louisville Hunt Tests!
In earning her Master Hunter title, Libby has officially accumulated enough points to also earn the 2nd degree Versatile Excellent Rating from the Weimaraner Club of America!
Field Trial Success!
Palimar n Jax's Big Bang
Oct 5th - SMWC Field Trial: 2nd Place All Breed Open Puppy (8 Starters)
Oct 7th - SMWC Field Trial: 1st Place All Breed Open Puppy (8 Starters) - 2 Points!
The pack cleans up in Traverse City!
"Liberty" - BISS/BISP/3xRBIMBS/UKC GRCH/Int. CH/Am. GCH/Am. CH/UCD/HIT Jayce's & KK's No Inhibitions, JH, SDX, RD, CD, TAN, VX, CGC, TDI
June 15, 2012: Best of Breed - 1 Grand Point
June 16, 2012: Judges Select - 1 Grand Point
June 17, 2012: Best of Breed - 3 Grand Point (Major win!)
"Diva" - BISP/UKC CH Palimar's Celebrity NSD, NRD
June 15, 2012: Winners - 1 Bench Point
June 16, 2012: Winners - 1 Bench Point
June 17, 2012: Reserve Winners - BEST Bred By Exhibitor!!
"CC" - Palimar's Cunning Casadora (owned by Cliff and Michelle Goodman)
June 15, 2012: Reserve Winners
June 16, 2012: Reserve Winners - BEST Puppy!!
"Liberty" - BISS/BISP/3xRBIMBS/UKC GRCH/Int. CH/Am. GCH/Am. CH/UCD/HIT Jayce's & KK's No Inhibitions, JH, SDX, RD, CD, TAN, VX, CGC, TDI - swept the weekend AGAIN by earning 2 more Master Hunter legs at the Fort Detroit GWP Club and the GSP club of Michigan Hunt Tests (April 21-22, 2012)
This gives her a total of 5 legs obtained and only 1 MORE TO GO!!
Libby will hopefully be earning her FINAL MH Leg this coming weekend in Illinois!!
More Success afield!
"Corky" - Palimar's Heiress by Chance JH TAN - earned her final 2 Junior Hunter legs on April 14th and 15th, finishing her JH flawlessly!
"Liberty" - BISS/BISP/3xRBIMBS/UKC GRCH/Int. CH/Am. GCH/Am. CH/UCD/HIT Jayce's & KK's No Inhibitions, JH, SDX, RD, CD, TAN, VX, CGC, TDI - swept the weekend by earning 2 more Master Hunter legs! This gives her a total of 3 legs obtained and 3 more to go.
With a bit of luck we hope to finish her Master Hunter before summer!
New Junior Hunter!
Int. PCH / Nat. PCH / UKC GRCH Palimar's Murphys Law Enforcer JH TAN
Gibbs finished his AKC Junior Hunter title March 25th with Perfect Scores in all categories!! It is rare that any dog is awarded such high scores, and the judges stated that his performance was just impressive! We are extremely proud of our boy!
Gibbs' sister "Corky" - Palimar's Heiress by Chance TAN - earned 2 Junior Hunter legs that weekend with multiple finds and great runs! She will hopefully finish her JH this Spring as well.
Not to be left out, "Liberty"
BISS/BISP/3xRBIMBS/UKC GRCH/Int. CH/Am. GCH/Am. CH/UCD/HIT Jayce's & KK's No Inhibitions, JH, SDX, RD, CD, TAN, VX, CGC, TDI
earned her first Master Hunter leg on the 25th and received several compliments about a fantastic double retrieve! While she didn't pass on the 24th, she was awarded high scores throughout her performance, including perfect score (10) on Honoring!
We are looking forward to more Hunting Tests this Spring!
New AKC Grand Champion!
BISS/BISP/3xRBIMBS/UKC GRCH/Int. CH/Am. GCH/Am. CH/UCD/HIT Jayce's & KK's No Inhibitions, JH, SDX, RD, CD, TAN, VX, CGC, TDI
(aka: Alphabet Soup)
Liberty finished her AKC Grand Championship in under a year with minimal showing!! She earned her last points at the Park Shore Kennel Club on January 28th, 2012 with 2 simultaneous Best of Breed wins!
As always, it has been a thrill to show Liberty and we look forward to more "for the fun of it" shows in the future!
What a way to begin the 2012 season!
New UKC Grand Champion!
GRCH Palimar's Murphys Law Enforcer TAN
Gibbs earned his final leg for his UKC Grand Championship title at the K9 Fanciers Show on December 14th! Gibbs has been a blast to show through his Grand and has multiple group placements to his name!
The Wonderful Weekend Continues for the Sisters!
December 3-4, 2011
BISS/BISP/3xRBIMBS/UKC GRCH/Int. CH/Am. CH/UCD/HIT Jayce's & KK's No Inhibitions, JH, SDX, RD, CD, TAN, VX, CGC, TDI
Ingham County Kennel Club - December 3, 2011
Best of Breed: 4 Point Grand Championship Major - HER FINAL MAJOR!
Ingham County Kennel Club - December 4, 2011
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed: 2 Points
UKC CH Jayce's Casey Scottish Dancer, MX, MXJ, CPE2
Saturday December 3, 2011
- Double Qualifying Scores!
- 18 MACH (Master Agility Champion) Points!
Casey and Bonnie has 2 more beautiful runs on Sunday December 4, 2011, qualifying in the Jumpers course and coming OH SO CLOSE to a perfect weekend by just barely not qualifying in Standard course. This pair was outstanding in their teamwork and precision this weekend and have much to be proud of!
December 2, 2011
We are thrilled to announce that
BISS/BISP/3xRBIMBS/UKC GRCH/Int. CH/Am. CH/UCD/HIT Jayce's & KK's No Inhibitions, JH, SDX, RD, CD, TAN, VX, CGC, TDI
has been awarded Best in Specialty Show at the 2011 SMWC Specialty in Lansing MI!!
This win a huge success and we are very grateful to Mark Bettis for handling Libby to this prestigious award and her SECOND Grand Championship Major!!
----- HIGH IN TRIAL -----
In addition to her BISS win, Liberty also went High in Obedience Trial with a great score of 184!
What a versatile girl she is!
And not to be outdone...
UKC CH Jayce's Casey Scottish Dancer, MX, MXJ, CPE2
Casey had a very successful day at the Agility trail Bonnie!
- Double Qualifying Scores!
- 18 MACH (Master Agility Champion) Points!
What a wonderful day for these Stellar Sisters!!
On the Road to the elite AKC Grand Championship...
BISP/3xRBIMBS/UKC GRCH/Int. CH/Am. CH/UCD/HIT Jayce's & KK's No Inhibitions, JH, SDX, RD, CD, TAN, VX, CGC, TDI
Lakeshore Kennel Club - November 26, 2011
- Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed: 1 Grand Championship Point
Lakeshore Kennel Club - November 27, 2011
- Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed: 1 Grand Championship Point
Columbus Kennel Club - November 19, 2011
- Judges Select: 4 Point Grand Championship Major Win!
Total Dog Recipient!!
November 5-6, 2011
proves once again her versatility by earning not one but THREE Total Dog awards at the Trial Creek Dog Training Club
Conformation Shows and Obedience Trials!
The highlight of the weekend was a PERSONAL BEST Obedience score
of 191.5!!
Woo Hoo Libby!
All American Bulldog Club Shows
Another great weekend for the Palimar Crew!
Diva was the star this weekend, walking away with 2 Champions Class and Best of Breed wins! These wins also awarded her 2 more Grand Legs and have broken her into the UKC Top Ten Standings for Weimaraners!
Gibbs walked away with another Champions Class and Best of Breed win, giving him another Grand Championship leg and more Top Ten points.!
Gibbs stole the show this weekend by taking the Champions Class 2x, earning his first 2 Grand Championship legs and by taking an upset Best of Breed win which bumped him up to the 2nd place slot in the UKC Top Ten Weimaraners list!
He then followed this up with a fantastic GROUP 3 Placement from a very large and competitive Gun Dog Group!
Congratulations to Gibbs and his owner/handler Amanda Lester for an awesome show!!
Diva also had success this weekend by winning her own
Champions Class and earning her first Grand Championship leg!
New Hunting Titles Awarded!
The crew was exceptionally successful at the recent Weimaraner Club of America Ratings Tests:
Liberty earned her SHOOTING DOG EXCELLENT title - the highest shooting dog title awarded!
Corky earned her NOVICE RETRIEVING DOG title
Diva earned both her NOVICE RETRIEVING DOG and her NOVICE SHOOTING DOG titles!
The ratings tests were a blast and the dogs performed with enthusiasm and style! We are very happy with thier accomplishments!

Palimar's Celebrity
SMWC Walking Field Trial
Diva's Debut Trial!
Amateur Walking Puppy - 1st Place - All Breed Competition!
Open Walking Puppy - 3rd Place - All Breed Competition!
Diva laid down a wonderful run for her first trial showing range, intelligent searching of cover and indicated game beautifully. All in 80 degree weather! The heat got to her for her second run that day and while she tried, she just didn't have anything left for a repeat performance.
Palimar's Cloud of Dust
SMWC Walking Field Trial
Olive's Debut Trial!
Amateur Walking Puppy - 4th Place - All Breed Competition!
Open Walking Puppy - 4th Place - All Breed Competition!
Teamed up with her owner Jeff (also debuting) Olive did a wonderful job! All in all Olive showed inexperience and was a little hesitant ranging too far. Her run improved greatly in the second heat when her handler stopped calling her back. She shows great potential and given more bird work she is sure to live up to her name!
BISP/3xRBIMBS/UKC GRCH/Int. CH/Am. CH/UCD/HIT Jayce's & KK's No Inhibitions, JH, RD, CD, TAN, VX, CGC, TDI
Detroit Kennel Club - March 5
- Judges Select: 2 Grand Championship points!
Detroit Kennel Club - March 6
- Judges Select: 1 Grand Championship point!
News Flash!
Gibbs and Diva are now UKC Show Champions!
Both Gibbs and Diva finished their championships with relative ease on March 11th, 2011
This was only their second weekend showing in UKC!
Liberty also did well at this show, winning First Place in a spectacular Gun Group!
We are so proud of our dogs' accomplishments!
MAPBTC All Breed Dog Shows
February 26-27, 2011
The Palimar gang did very well at our first event of 2011. Both Diva and Gibbs were rookies at this event but that did not stop them from taking more than their share of the glory. Liberty, of course, could not be out done.

BISP/3xRBIMBS/UKC GRCH/Int. CH/Am. CH/UCD/HIT Jayce's & KK's No Inhibitions, JH, RD, CD, TAN, VX, CGC, TDI
Show 1: Best of Breed, 8 Top Ten Points, Group First, Reserve Best in Multi-Breed Show!
Show 2: Best of Breed, 7 Top Ten Points
Int/Nat PCh Palimar's Murphys Law Enforcer, TAN
Show 1: Best Male, 25 CH pts, Competition Win
Show 2: Best Male, Best of Winners, Best of Breed, 8 Top Ten Points, 35 CH pts Competition Win
Show 1: Junior Class First
Show 2: Reserve Best Male
RBISP Palimar's Celebrity
Show 1: Best Female, Best of Winners, 35 CH pts, Competition Win
Show 2: Best Female, 25 CH pts, Competition Win
Show 1: Puppy Class First
Show 2: Best Female, 25 CH pts, Competition Win